What is the meaning of Christmas? Why are so many people buying gifts? Is there a real spiritual root to this holiday? Why is our society so defensive of it? What are YOU going to buy this season? What IS the reason for the season? Why is everyone going to scurry to church and the mall? What's up with this holiday? While the majority of the world is suffering in relative poverty, why are we spending wildly?
My study abroad experience in
Nothing could have prepared me for that moment of dramatic transformation. Not the de-briefing session designed by the study abroad program, nor the spontaneous skinny dipping episode on a remote part of the
Poor nations have offered a wide range of critiques of Western consumption patterns. Developing countries with strong ties to the Church, like Nicaragua, feel that the US has strayed too far from religious ideals in the name of greed. Other more secular countries, like Cuba, feel that Americans are more concerned with material things than more meaningful aspects of life. Whatever the underlying explanation may be, the fact remains that our country's spending habits are out of control and Christmas is the most clear evidence of this growing problem.